Initial Submission

Reviewing Process and Publication

Each paper will be blind, peer-reviewed by members of the ECORFAN program committee with additional expert reviewers drawn from relevant research domains. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and presentation. The paper should make explicit how the work offers unique and substantial contribution beyond what has already been published or submitted. Authors will be invited to submit their camera-ready papers in MsWord format, to be published in ECORFAN. Proceedings are also submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: RENIECYT, EBSCO,LATINDEX, DIALNET, ResearchGate, DULCINEA, CLASE, Sudoc, HISPANA, SHERPA, UNIVERSIA, Google Scholar, DOI, REBID, Mendeley and ESCI. In previous years, the acceptance rate of the ECORFAN Conference was around 40%.

Declaration of Authorship

Indicate the Name of Author and Coauthors at most in the participation of the Article and indicate in extensive the Institutional Affiliation indicating the Department.

Identify the Name of Author and Coauthors at most with the CVU Scholarship Number-PNPC or SNI-CONACYT- Indicating the Researcher Level and their Google Scholar Profile to verify their Citation Level and H index.

Identify the Name of Author and Coauthors at most in the Science and Technology Profiles widely accepted by the International Scientific Community ORC ID - Researcher ID Thomson - arXiv Author ID - PubMed Author ID - Open ID respectively.

Indicate the contact for correspondence to the Author (Mail and Telephone) and indicate the Researcher who contributes as the first Author of the Article.

Arbitration Process

All Articles will be evaluated by academic peers by the Double Blind method, the Arbitration Approval is a requirement for the Editorial Board to make a final decision that will be final in all cases. MARVID® is a derivative brand of ECORFAN® specialized in providing the expert evaluators all of them with Doctorate degree and distinction of International Researchers in the respective Councils of Science and Technology the counterpart of CONACYT for the chapters of America-Europe-Asia- Africa and Oceania. The identification of the authorship should only appear on a first removable page, in order to ensure that the Arbitration process is anonymous and covers the following stages: Identification of the Journal with its author occupation rate - Identification of Authors and Coauthors - Detection of plagiarism PLAGSCAN - Review of Formats of Authorization and Originality-Allocation to the Editorial Board- Allocation of the pair of Expert Arbitrators-Notification of Arbitration -Declaration of observations to the Author-Verification of Article Modified for Editing-Publication.