
In this section you will have the tools necessary to know where and how to edit your publishing research with internationally accepted standards also to obtain more visible links to your profile PRODEP-CONACYT

RNA- National Certificate Author
ISBN- International Standard Book Number
ISSN- International Standard Serial Number
Google Academic and Reseach Gate
Mendeley and Arxiv Profile

Proposal Submission Process

- Workshop title
- Abstract (no more than 200 words)
- Name, affiliation, postal address, and e-mail address for each organizer
- Identification of the primary contact person(s)

- Background and Motivation: What is the overall topic of the workshop? Why is this topic of particular interest at this time? If the workshop has been organized in the past conferences, please give details of previous instances (venue, URL) and describe why it should be held again and how it will extend and build upon previous ones.

- Objectives : What are the objectives that the workshop aims to achieve? Objectives may include but are not limited to (a) targeting a predefined set of focus questions, (b) presenting alternate views on a particular issue that is of concern to the Pervasive Health community and attempting to resolve the issue, (c) identifying priorities for new directions of research, and/or (d) initiating the appropriate collaborations and building community around a theme of interest. If you have a plan to produce a book or a journal special issue as a result of your workshop, please indicate these plans.

- Format : Give a description of the proposed workshop format, including the target number of participants, planned activities (such as introductions, invited talks, breakout group activities, demos, general discussion), in addition to how these activities address the workshop objectives. Preference will be given to proposals where activities have been designed to stimulate discussion and interaction among participants; workshops consisting solely of paper presentations are discouraged. Provide a preliminary schedule with estimated times.

- Soliciting Submissions: Indicate how you plan to attract submissions and/or participants. This may include creating a workshop web page, circulating a call to relevant mailing lists (indicate these please as well), and publicizing your workshop at other relevant events.

- Selecting Participants: Indicate how you plan to select participants and contributions to the workshop. Describe the relevant criteria and/or review process that will be used to select position papers. Indicate if you are planning to have a program committee to help with the organization/review process or whether reviewing and selection will be conducted solely by the organizers. Having a program committee is strongly encouraged since it typically increases the appeal of the workshop and ensures a more rigorous peer-review process.

- Organizers: Provide short descriptions of each of the organizers' background and interests related to pervasive computing and the specific topic of the workshop.

Workshop Selection

Workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed by the Co-Chairs and a committee of experts based on the criteria described above. We aim to select a diverse set of workshops and avoid having multiple workshops with overlapping themes. Organizers of selected workshops will be asked to produce a Call for Papers to describe the workshop to potential participants and solicit submissions. The criteria for assessment will include:

- Originality and technical merit of the topic
- Motivation
- Wider interest in the topic
- Topical link to the main conference

We are open to any kind of Workshops. Should you have any further suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact: